1.   Deglaze pan with wine, stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen food particles.

2.   As the noodles cook, you can quickly pan-fry the pork chops, then deglaze the pan with a shot of brandy.

3.   Add it to the pan the birds were cooked in, and scrape the bottom of the pan with a spatula or wooden spoon to deglaze the pan.

4.   Add the wine, and stir to deglaze pan.

5.   Add the wine, bring to a boil and deglaze the pan some more.

6.   Add vinegar, return pan to heat and deglaze pan, scraping up all brown bits that cling to bottom and sides of pan.

7.   Add wine and bring to a boil, deglazing the pan.

8.   Add sherry, and stir to deglaze pan.

9.   Add the remaining sherry and the porcini liquid to the onions to deglaze the pan.

10.   Add the wine and deglaze the pan.

v. + pan >>共 166
remove 16.70%
cover 9.62%
place 8.26%
roast 4.90%
deglaze 4.54%
shake 3.54%
return 3.09%
put 2.63%
set 2.36%
fill 1.91%
deglaze + n. >>共 7
pan 83.33%
skillet 5.00%
casserole 3.33%
pot 3.33%
bottom 1.67%
juice 1.67%
most 1.67%
每页显示:    共 50