1.   Leave those in the default settings and go back when you understand the questions and know your demands.

2.   The commands a modem understands vary slightly among brands, as do the default settings.

3.   This chapter describes how to change the default settings to suit your own needs.

4.   You can change the default settings to suit your needs.

5.   You can do direct colour photo-copying using this set-up and the scanner will give one button scans using default settings.

6.   ...default settings.

7.   She overrode the default settings on her computer.

8.   Many other GIMMS options have default settings which are used if no alternative is specified.

n. + setting >>共 362
sun 11.69%
table 5.95%
default 3.42%
stage 2.32%
group 1.65%
office 1.54%
school 1.54%
classroom 1.54%
laboratory 1.21%
university 1.21%
default + n. >>共 121
rate 16.80%
setting 8.01%
risk 6.72%
judgment 5.43%
directory 4.91%
value 3.10%
notice 3.10%
browser 2.33%
position 1.81%
filename 1.81%
每页显示:    共 31