1.   Our goal is to debunk the myth that science is boring.

2.   Payton wants to debunk the myth that economics is a science.

3.   The study debunks the myth that men are better at math than women.

4.   Historian Michael Beschloss debunks a few myths.

5.   Also, doctors debunk the myths.

6.   And those are only two recent homicide cases in New England that debunk the myth that mayhem is the province solely of monsters.

7.   Boller debunks such myths as one that claimed Lincoln was homosexual.

8.   A day when Aikman, after it was all tallied and done, could stifle the critics and debunk the myths.

9.   A recent survey debunks that myth.

10.   A proliferation of intense media coverage has exposed the rough underbelly of sports, debunking the myth of athlete as hero.

v. + myth >>共 165
dispel 10.35%
debunk 7.53%
shatter 7.29%
explode 6.59%
perpetuate 6.35%
create 2.59%
destroy 2.59%
puncture 1.88%
believe 1.65%
make 1.41%
debunk + n. >>共 61
myth 20.78%
theory 11.04%
notion 7.14%
idea 6.49%
rumor 3.90%
report 3.25%
suggestion 3.25%
claim 2.60%
evidence 1.95%
charge 1.95%
每页显示:    共 32