1.   I yelled to make myself heard above the deafening roar of the wind and the sea.

2.   No great torrents of water, no spectacular waterfalls, no deafening roars of waters disgorging their immense might.

3.   The light was followed by the deafening roar of explosions.

4.   ...the deafening roar of fighter jets taking off.

5.   Almost immediately, scores of helmeted riot policemen stormed into the mosque pavilion, lobbing stun grenades that exploded with a deafening roar and firing at the young Palestinians.

6.   And after I throw in my packs and jump on board, we lift off in the deafening roar of the rotar-chop.

7.   A deafening roar echoed over the arid steppe at the Baikonur Launch Facility in the former Soviet republic of Kazakhstan.

8.   Even when the cries of outrage from confused voters had grown to a deafening roar, the Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections was still thinking visually.

9.   Fans responded, jamming the concrete bubble to create a deafening roar.

10.   Fans still let out a deafening roar, and the organist kicks into gear, every time he steps to the plate.

a. + roar >>共 156
deafening 11.76%
huge 5.32%
loud 5.04%
dull 3.92%
thunderous 3.92%
loudest 3.64%
tremendous 1.96%
full-throated 1.68%
constant 1.68%
throaty 1.68%
deafening + n. >>共 96
roar 15.44%
blast 8.82%
explosion 8.09%
silence 6.99%
noise 6.62%
barrage 3.68%
cheer 2.94%
sound 2.94%
crash 2.57%
music 1.84%
每页显示:    共 42