1.   But those foreign wireless data networks provide the high-speed transmissions necessary for smooth and uninterrupted online gaming.

2.   Companies want assurance of reliable, high-capacity telecommunications for access to the Internet and other data networks.

3.   They chose us to provide them with the most reliable data network available.

4.   Mobile data networks are starting to make an impact.

5.   Although it has been adopted by some companies for use in corporate data networks, it has never been used on a scale approaching Internet traffic.

6.   Among the issues that fall under that review process are the limits of surveillance by police agencies on future data networks.

7.   An oversupply of data networks allowed customers to drive down the prices they were willing to pay for these services.

8.   And they also want their data networks exempted from rules saying they must lease network facilities to competitors at a discount.

9.   Bell Atlantic relied on that provision when it asked the commission to allow it to build a high-speed data network throughout its region without having to pass the review.

10.   Bermuda-based Global Crossing is building a worldwide undersea cable and data network, and could provide Sprint with international reach, Web hosting and media expertise.

n. + network >>共 725
television 18.26%
computer 14.95%
cable 8.95%
communication 3.38%
distribution 2.96%
telephone 2.32%
phone 2.03%
telecommunication 2.02%
radio 1.79%
news 1.64%
datum 1.45%
datum + n. >>共 495
base 11.30%
recorder 9.12%
service 4.62%
transmission 3.75%
network 3.72%
center 3.08%
storage 2.49%
collection 2.38%
system 2.21%
file 2.01%
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