1.   Atlantic waters Small craft operators should exercise caution.

2.   Breezy east winds and above normal coastal seas are causing hazardous conditions for small craft operators.

3.   Caribbean waters Small craft operators should exercise caution.

4.   For the marine community, our local coastal waters will continue to have light chop so small craft operators should exercise caution while navigating offshore waters.

5.   For the remainder of this week and into the weekend mariners and especially small craft operators should keep abreast of changing marine conditions.

6.   For this reason small craft operators should exercise caution this afternoon.

7.   Mariners and aviators should be alert to this hazard and small craft operators in the warned area should use extreme caution.

8.   Mariners and small craft operators in the Virgin Islands and eastern Puerto Rican waters should excercise caution this afternoon.

9.   Mariners and aviators should be alert to this hazard...And small craft operators in the warned area should use extreme caution.

10.   Moderate northeast swells will continue to affect the local Atlantic through tonight, and small craft operators should use extra caution.

n. + operator >>共 688
cable 10.71%
tour 10.03%
radio 3.53%
telephone 2.81%
casino 2.24%
hotel 1.78%
plant 1.44%
system 1.39%
camera 1.39%
telecommunication 1.37%
craft 1.01%
craft + n. >>共 162
advisory 15.06%
operator 8.07%
store 5.43%
brewer 4.50%
shop 4.35%
fair 3.11%
show 2.80%
remains 2.80%
worker 1.86%
project 1.71%
每页显示:    共 52