1.   As envisioned, police or intelligence agents would be able to use this key once they got court approval to carry out a wiretap.

2.   Both fines are subject to court approval.

3.   Both settlements are subject to court approval.

4.   Bradlees said it has won court approval for a partial severance package for employees.

5.   A final sale requires court approval.

6.   All three options hinge on bankruptcy court approval.

7.   Brinkema told him that the lawyer would have to undergo court approval, follow all the court rules and ethics policies.

8.   But if you need to spend more than the stipulated amount, you need court approval.

9.   But neither the agreement with the states nor the second settlement with lawyers who filed a class action on behalf of smokers nationwide won final court approval.

10.   Clinton administration lawyers, however, have downplayed such an impact, arguing that appropriate distinctions such as those in the military will always win court approval.

n. + approval >>共 254
government 30.72%
shareholder 11.61%
court 8.25%
voter 4.85%
board 2.28%
drug 1.96%
senate 1.54%
committee 1.49%
agency 1.35%
league 1.35%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
approval 1.02%
每页显示:    共 176