1.   He was threatened with court action.

2.   In a surprisingly bold move, he is threatening court action against the company.

3.   It was placed on hold because of the court action.

4.   It would take another protracted court action and many years of protest before the Front finally wound down.

5.   Officials are planning to take court action to stop publication of the book.

6.   Sometimes, court action is the only alternative if agreement or a clear statutory mandate are the only bases of partnership-based intervention.

7.   The couple are still considering whether to take court action.

8.   The court action follows a move by his wife Seema earlier this year to dissolve the Marriage.

n. + action >>共 644
court 12.78%
government 10.86%
strike 9.37%
enforcement 5.37%
protest 3.60%
libel 1.97%
labor 1.94%
floor 1.37%
committee 1.17%
year 1.11%
court + n. >>共 465
ruling 8.72%
decision 5.87%
case 5.73%
hearing 4.47%
appearance 4.32%
official 4.26%
document 4.07%
paper 3.70%
record 3.12%
battle 2.73%
action 2.58%
每页显示:    共 444