1.   Countries supplying troops objected strenuously to that proposal as an infringement of their control over military policies, including health policies.

2.   European Union officials said the ban on animal parts in feed won easy approval from a majority of members, though some countries objected.

3.   Islamic countries objected to naming homosexuals and other risk groups because such an acknowledgment would violate the teachings of the Koran, U.N. and U.S. officials said.

4.   Several countries object to lowering barriers in one or more of the industries.

5.   Some Islamic countries quickly objected because a draft of the declaration included gays and prostitutes in the groups of people particularly at risk for contracting the disease.

6.   Any reasonable country would object to a situation where its top secrets are in jeopardy.

7.   Both those countries have objected to the broadcasts, which are critical of their governments, and Iran recalled its ambassador from Prague last week in protest.

8.   European countries have objected strongly to the proposal.

9.   In the closed-door talks over summit documents, oil countries reportedly objected to point after point in paragraphs dealing with global warming and energy.

10.   Rouxeville said that most European countries did not object to the competition posed by call-back services because they face phone industry deregulation next year.

n. + object >>共 408
government 4.31%
official 4.24%
group 3.91%
prosecutor 3.05%
member 2.39%
company 2.19%
leader 2.19%
people 2.12%
lawmaker 2.05%
parent 1.92%
country 1.19%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
object 0.07%
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