1.   Some other European countries deal with refugees differently.

2.   And he argued that the budget deficit is not the only red ink that the country must deal with.

3.   Any normal country would deal with falling demand by loosening monetary policy.

4.   China prevented minor peacekeeping operations from proceeding in Guatemala and Macedonia and threatened to do the same in Haiti, merely because those countries had dealt with Taiwan.

5.   It is a legitimacy that Fox hopes will allow the countries to deal as equals in negotiations over contentious issues like narcotics trafficking and illegal immigration.

6.   The session has been more useful in bringing delegates together offstage to compare how their respective countries deal with the problems and to discuss a coordinated response.

7.   The trademark rows would continue, but at least each country would deal with its own.

8.   The sense of common purpose is seen in how the country deals with those who die during war.

9.   They note that Egypt was the victim of Abu Nidal in the past and say their country would not deal with him.

10.   Two bills making their way through the House and the Senate would make huge changes in how this country deals with its immigrants and potential immigrants.

n. + deal >>共 924
company 2.25%
government 2.18%
talk 1.92%
court 1.48%
book 1.34%
official 1.11%
step 1.04%
team 0.87%
people 0.87%
country 0.81%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
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