1.   During December three more EC countries completed ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, leaving only Denmark and the UK still to do so.

2.   Economists said Germany was overdue to revise its consumer price statistics and noted that most other European countries completed the switch at the beginning of the decade.

3.   The lifting of the ban -- which was passed over when the country completed the deregulation of the oil industry --could come as early as September.

4.   While supplies are more ample, they will be harder to come by later this year after some countries complete their harvests, analysts said.

5.   Among the accords, officials hope the two countries will complete an agreement on protection against double taxation.

6.   Chernomyrdin appealed for increased investment in Russia, saying the country had completed crucial initial economic reforms and was committed to a free market and democracy.

7.   On Thursday, Nine more EU countries complete phaseout of old currencies for euro.

8.   Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin told world business leaders that his country has completed its first stage of economic reforms and is ready for their investments.

9.   Russian Prime Minister Viktor Chernomyrdin told world business leaders that his country had completed its first stage of economic reforms and was ready for their investments.

10.   The council also called on both countries to complete negotiations on the final status of the Prevlaka peninsula.

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