1.   And across Latin America opinion polls reveal a belief that corruption is flourishing as never before.

2.   And corruption flourishes in an illegal economy that is reported to be much larger than the official economy.

3.   But corruption flourished in the state sector and political renewal was stifled by the secret police.

4.   Corruption flourished under Vinicio Cerezo Arevalo, who took power as an elected civilian president to succeed Gen. Mejia Victores.

5.   On some boards, petty corruption flourishes.

6.   This hidden job market has evolved into a system of fiefs, where petty corruption flourishes, where teachers and principals are routinely put upon for kickbacks.

7.   And corruption has flourished here.

8.   But for Romanians, those mere hints were enough to confirm their long-held tenet that corruption flourishes, and always has.

9.   Corruption flourished under the previous leftist government.

10.   The sting comes after criticism that corruption was flourishing at the highest levels.

n. + flourish >>共 474
business 3.98%
trade 3.56%
industry 1.89%
plant 1.78%
company 1.68%
economy 1.68%
corruption 1.47%
program 1.47%
democracy 1.36%
crime 1.15%
corruption + v. >>共 185
be 46.50%
become 3.96%
exist 2.23%
remain 2.13%
plague 2.03%
continue 1.83%
undermine 1.73%
taint 1.73%
run 1.52%
flourish 1.42%
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