1.   Enabling software, which is usually bought by corporations, helps users to organize information and create their own software applications.

2.   Although large corporations have bought a lot of funeral homes in recent decades, most of these businesses are still independent mom-and-pop shops.

3.   Bloomberg has also proposed letting corporations buy the right to post their names and logos on city parks, pools, and recreation centers.

4.   But corporations have bought the government and kept right on exploiting us and there are more poor people than ever, he said.

5.   Corporations are buying their own stock back.

6.   Critics argue that the act would allow foreign corporations to buy African resources at fire-sale prices and exploit low-wage African labor.

7.   Cynics tell us that money has completely corrupted our politics, that in the last election big corporations basically bought themselves a government that will serve their interests.

8.   European individuals were buying the Nasdaq, European corporations were buying U.S. companies.

9.   He had none of the kidnapping insurance that many American corporations buy, and none of the expertise that the FBI brings to cases involving Americans.

n. + buy >>共 1188
investor 11.84%
people 7.38%
company 7.04%
consumer 3.69%
customer 3.04%
money 2.78%
government 2.08%
trader 1.95%
fund 1.52%
bank 1.30%
corporation 0.34%
corporation + v. >>共 579
be 11.49%
have 5.72%
use 3.46%
pay 2.17%
make 1.64%
do 1.51%
continue 1.42%
say 1.37%
begin 1.33%
buy 1.29%
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