1.   The reports contained conflicting claims of the number of people killed.

2.   There were conflicting claims as to the numbers of dead and executed in the various towns.

3.   There were conflicting claims about the number of army and rebel casualties following a renewed government offensive against the northern strongholds of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.

4.   Artistic patronage was thrust into the public marketplace, to be buffeted about by conflicting claims.

5.   As the two scrambled in recent days to arrange air tickets and visas for the trip to New York, they pressed their conflicting claims to Lidiya.

6.   Because every new proposal is likely to generate conflicting economic claims that would take years to resolve, any federal agency would be hamstrung in writing new regulations.

7.   Before leaving Islamabad, the Pakistani capital, for New Delhi, Powell urged the two countries to search for a peaceful solution to their conflicting claims to Kashmir.

8.   Biotech observers realize that many of these patents will have conflicting claims.

9.   But even without a comprehensive settlement to the conflicting claims of Serbs, Croats and Bosnian Muslims, degrees of resolution may be possible.

10.   But the booming business in so-called performance enhancers such as androstenedione and creatine is occurring amid conflicting claims about their effectiveness and safety.

a. + claim >>共 999
immediate 5.77%
jobless 4.70%
insurance 3.19%
new 2.78%
false 2.62%
territorial 2.54%
conflicting 2.41%
similar 2.16%
legal 2.08%
initial 1.76%
conflicting + n. >>共 316
report 19.95%
account 7.27%
claim 5.35%
signal 5.14%
statement 3.36%
view 2.67%
information 2.57%
emotion 2.16%
message 2.13%
opinion 1.92%
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