1.   I conduct executive searches for senior-level management, so I know a fair bit about how these companies are managed.

2.   Peacekeeping troops set up road blocks and conducted house-to-house searches.

3.   Police are conducting house-to-house searches in the area where the girl disappeared.

4.   They were nowhere to be seen, so I then conducted a search of all the store rooms and outhouses.

5.   Both printed and online forms of the bibliography are exact equivalents when conducting author searches.

6.   How would it look if a Moslem took his men into a Christian church on the pretext, as the Copts would see it, of conducting a search?

7.   Appian Way, for instance, offer data disks that can conduct searches and produce material relevant to specific topics.

8.   Along the way, you need to conduct a search to see if your invention is patentable.

v. + search >>共 396
conduct 11.88%
continue 7.57%
begin 6.32%
launch 6.19%
resume 2.90%
join 2.82%
help 2.39%
narrow 2.18%
hamper 2.13%
suspend 2.07%
conduct + n. >>共 390
test 8.60%
investigation 5.28%
study 5.02%
business 4.66%
research 4.00%
interview 3.79%
search 3.77%
survey 3.65%
trial 2.33%
experiment 2.18%
每页显示:    共 444