1.   Family Decorum is usually not well served by trying to enforce a multitude of rules and complicated procedures.

2.   Bias and confounding should be considered before complicated statistical procedures to assess the role of chance.

3.   This is unfortunate, because the individual elements are very simple and the most complicated procedures are only a collection of simple bits and pieces.

4.   But such acts were considered exceptional cases under the Self-Defense Forces Law, and required complicated procedures to accomplish.

5.   Eitaka Tsuboi, chief of the Japan Medical Association, is skeptical about the whole idea, saying doctors should be with paramedics aboard ambulances for such complicated procedures.

6.   Elderly people are especially vulnerable to being overcharged, since they spend more time in the hospital and have more complicated procedures.

7.   If not, under a complicated procedure, a draft would be put to a national referendum.

8.   It must descend, expand, climb and perform complicated welding procedures by remote control and cut steel like butter.

9.   Medicare revenues are lower than expected, Shalala said, while hospitals are billing Medicare more quickly and performing more complicated procedures on elderly patients.

10.   Raki immediately stepped in, explaining complicated medical procedures to them in Farsi.

a. + procedure >>共 1012
new 6.05%
standard 4.34%
medical 3.74%
surgical 3.54%
proper 3.29%
legal 3.26%
normal 2.12%
emergency 1.92%
same 1.74%
voting 1.74%
complicated 0.80%
complicated + n. >>共 802
issue 3.91%
system 2.11%
process 2.11%
case 2.07%
matter 1.88%
formula 1.84%
procedure 1.84%
relationship 1.53%
problem 1.46%
thing 1.42%
每页显示:    共 48