1.   It has a very complicated chemical formula.

2.   And hospitals and insurers are creating complicated formulas to determine when to use costly life-prolonging treatments.

3.   And that paper uses a very complicated formula of ranking books.

4.   And through a complicated formula, the federal government paid them.

5.   A complicated formula now determines how much a district receives, blending some state property taxes with local district taxes based on property values within that district.

6.   A complicated formula determines how big a piece of the pie you get.

7.   A complicated formula is used to determine the exact amount of your monthly benefit.

8.   But the strategy, backed by complicated mathematical formulas, worked only as long as US markets remained stable.

9.   Cirillo said one reason for some of the glitches is that the SafeStat system is based on a complicated mathematical formula.

10.   Complicated formulas determined by individual conferences spread bowl revenue among their members, but that does not change the dangerously escalating emphasis on late-season games.

a. + formula >>共 501
new 6.92%
mathematical 4.65%
winning 3.82%
infant 3.56%
funding 3.05%
complex 2.89%
pricing 2.79%
magic 2.79%
simple 2.63%
same 2.63%
complicated 2.48%
complicated + n. >>共 802
issue 3.91%
system 2.11%
process 2.11%
case 2.07%
matter 1.88%
formula 1.84%
procedure 1.84%
relationship 1.53%
problem 1.46%
thing 1.42%
每页显示:    共 48