1.   Alternatively you can buy all lessons as a complete package.

2.   Each system is a complete package including hardware, software and consumables.

3.   Other than Francis, there are not complete packages.

4.   Our emotional world is a complete package and it has not been jettisoned.

5.   They feared the abandoning of the complete package for the sake of religious interests.

6.   If the length of this field is set to zero, the complete package structure will be listed.

7.   AUSTRALIAN Offshore Services and PandO Catering are providing a complete package of service for a major offshore construction project off Dampier in Western Australia.

8.   The idea of a complete package of documentation is not an entirely new one in any event.

9.   Some material is a taster service and a complete package can be ordered from the software producer separately.

a. + package >>共 1025
suspicious 5.33%
new 3.69%
economic 3.05%
whole 2.34%
small 2.08%
financial 2.08%
entire 2.06%
spending 1.83%
suspect 1.77%
complete 1.70%
complete + n. >>共 1691
game 5.89%
control 4.16%
list 2.03%
withdrawal 1.93%
overhaul 1.37%
surprise 1.28%
freedom 1.28%
picture 1.22%
ban 1.20%
set 1.04%
package 1.02%
每页显示:    共 77