1.   Some of the front-runners fortunately are not tainted by committee membership, nor do they look like Ed Moore clones.

2.   The chair rotated annually and committee membership was limited to two successive years in order to avoid the dangers of elitism and institutionalisation.

3.   Committee membership at these annual church conventions is chosen randomly by computer.

4.   Democrats are looking at changing the current, evenly-split committee membership to panels that have a one-vote Democratic advantage.

5.   In addition, voting participation, committee memberships and political experience are available.

6.   Sims said the GOP appointments were based on House leadership posts, committee memberships, and interest in the area.

7.   The committee membership is a sensitive issue because the entire panel may soon face a decision about the Gingrich case.

8.   The party in power, by controlling committee membership and therefore much of the legislative work, can shape the political agenda for the year.

9.   The reshuffling of congressional committee membership also left the dairy business at a disadvantage.

10.   The two leaders worked out a deal to evenly share committee memberships, budgets and staffs but the GOP retained the crucial chairmanships.

n. + membership >>共 153
club 12.83%
gang 4.28%
gym 4.04%
euro 4.04%
committee 3.09%
health 2.85%
lifetime 2.61%
board 2.61%
trade 1.90%
group 1.90%
committee + n. >>共 357
member 30.89%
chairman 15.32%
vote 3.22%
meeting 3.20%
assignment 2.64%
hearing 2.42%
official 2.16%
report 2.16%
spokesman 2.02%
room 1.91%
membership 0.31%
每页显示:    共 13