1.   A joint commission was to be set up to examine current fiscal legislation and elaborate reforms to promote investment and expenditure savings.

2.   Administration officials said Wednesday that a bipartisan commission is one of several options the president is considering.

3.   As I understand it, the London food commission is a consumerist pressure group staffed by academics and investigative journalists.

4.   But some issues, like this one, are so universally difficult that a commission is the only useful way to proceed.

5.   His most famous commission was to supply all the furniture and furnishings for the house constructed for Napoleon on St Helena.

6.   Once established, a royal commission was out of political control.

7.   The commission Decided there was no evidence of misconduct.

8.   The commission should not be concerned with local authority policy Decisions, but in how these Decisions are implemented.

9.   The commission is cautiously favourable to Austrian membership, foreseeing few economic problems.

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