1.   Finally, batch files are covered in detail explaining why we use these compact command files and what each batch command does.

2.   Remember, you can not cancel a suspended CLi command file from within a program.

3.   The module referred to by the keyword BUILT-BY is the command file which builds i.

4.   The program may be run in batch mode by submitting a command file.

5.   The module referred to by the keyword BUILT-BY is the command file which builds i.e compiles, links etc. the package.

6.   The five examples are of module headers for a package module, a source file, a command file, a text file and a foreign module.

7.   Note that the Installation Directory must have WORLD EXECUTE access as described in Appendix A, LIFESPAN will write command files here for user access to the LIFESPAN Processes.

8.   It is recommended that you have separate command files for these actions, which you then call as appropriate from the standard VMS command files.

9.   The following sections describe how to set up and use these command files.

n. + file >>共 399
computer 11.41%
configuration 7.19%
music 5.63%
datum 3.62%
text 3.47%
personnel 3.37%
police 3.27%
court 2.71%
command 2.31%
log 2.21%
command + n. >>共 192
center 27.32%
structure 16.56%
economy 4.32%
headquarters 3.69%
file 3.61%
responsibility 2.43%
spokesman 2.43%
bunker 2.20%
position 2.12%
centre 1.96%
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