1.   Indonesia has also come under pressure from within and outside the region to take action against alleged terrorist leaders but has played down the threat.

2.   Indonesia has come under pressure from several quarters to take tougher action against alleged terrorist leaders but has played down the threat they pose.

3.   Indonesia has come under pressure from several quarters to take tougher action against alleged terrorist leaders but has played down the threat.

4.   But Israeli newspapers also suggested Sharon had come under US pressure to keep any Gaza operation limited and minimize the damage to chances for restarting peace talks.

5.   But Israeli newspapers also suggested Sharon had come under US pressure to minimize the damage to chances for restarting peace talks.

6.   Jakarta has come under pressure from several quarters to take tougher action against alleged terrorist leaders but has played down the threat.

7.   Moscow had come under US pressure to halt exports to the Islamic republic of arms, still considered to be a threat by Washington.

8.   Milosevic has come under intense pressure both at home and abroad to reinstate a string of opposition wins in local elections.

9.   Moscow has come under US pressure to halt exports of arms to Iran, still considered to be a threat by Washington.

10.   President Bill Clinton had come under pressure from members of Congress to withold US certification of Mexico.

n. + pressure >>共 357
government 5.14%
official 4.84%
leader 2.72%
group 1.81%
forecast 1.71%
military 1.71%
community 1.71%
yen 1.71%
company 1.61%
administration 1.51%
come 1.31%
come + v. >>共 164
equip 8.01%
close 6.98%
will 6.46%
may 6.20%
back 4.13%
be 3.62%
pressure 3.36%
do 3.10%
prepare 3.10%
load 1.81%
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