1.   Both Woodbridge and Singer have research staffs that comb public records, newspaper articles, lottery press releases and computer databases.

2.   FBI agents have been combing records from aviation schools around the state, and have found apparent links to several of the suspected suicide pilots.

3.   In recent weeks, agents have expanded their focus from combing records and scrap metal piles to probing the counterculture and leftist communities.

4.   Investigators are combing records for evidence of disclosure violations, unauthorized trading or misleading information given to companies and individuals on monthly statements.

5.   Investigators are combing inspection records, trying to determine what caused the rotor system to disintegrate.

6.   Similarly, the chief suspect, Timothy McVeigh, was identified after agents combed Social Security records.

7.   The bureau combed records of intercepted communications between Enlightenment Headquarters and the East German Embassy in Washington.

8.   The best and brightest agents and lawyers in the government combed the record.

9.   The Democrats are combing voting records, finding plenty to run against.

10.   The investigators combed records in the stock and international departments, Yamaichi said.

v. + record >>共 728
have 11.38%
set 9.81%
keep 6.68%
break 6.42%
hold 2.03%
defend 1.69%
check 1.59%
reach 1.58%
hit 1.52%
make 1.41%
comb 0.15%
comb + n. >>共 191
area 21.36%
hair 16.83%
rubble 2.40%
mountain 2.12%
site 1.98%
city 1.84%
beach 1.70%
record 1.70%
street 1.56%
region 1.56%
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