1.   Again and again, the NTSB cited the absence of these valves as contributing to the severity of accidents.

2.   Del Col cited the absence of forensic evidence, like blood and fingerprints, linking his client to the abandoned building where the authorities said the attack occurred.

3.   He cited the absence of a public defender system, which often means a less experienced and vigorous defense because court-appointed lawyers are paid modest fees.

4.   He cited the absence of private property rights, free labor markets, independent pricing and unified exchange rates as examples of the lack of economic freedom in Cuba.

5.   The American orchestra was in trouble, it said, citing the absence of creative artistic leadership as a major cause.

6.   They cited the absence of swollen soft tissue that a fresh injury, they said, would have caused.

7.   Basilan officials said the U.S. military presence has helped stabilize the troubled province, citing the absence of any new kidnappings or attacks by the Abu Sayyaf.

8.   But the international federation said it would not ratify the records, citing the absence of internationally-recognized doping controls.

9.   Gazprom canceled the meeting, citing the absence of a quorum.

10.   He cited the absence of any indications from diplomatic, intelligence or other sources that Beijing was contemplating any military action in the area.

v. + absence >>共 149
explain 9.82%
feel 5.89%
note 5.11%
blame 4.13%
notice 4.13%
cite 2.95%
say 2.55%
excuse 2.36%
have 2.16%
use 2.16%
cite + n. >>共 847
source 7.09%
concern 5.33%
reason 4.59%
example 2.52%
lack 2.37%
case 2.27%
report 2.20%
problem 1.67%
official 1.45%
need 1.44%
absence 0.13%
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