1.   Policy choices reflected what governments perceived as the major threats to the cohesion and survival of the state.

2.   Are these choices reflecting the real lives of the characters?

3.   Both choices reflect a keen sense of the zeitgeist that have also colored the shows she organized at the Canadian Center for Architecture for Montreal.

4.   But his career choices also reflect the state of musical theater today.

5.   But the choice also reflected American predominance in civil aviation.

6.   But where is the person so fatalistic as to suggest that color choices reflect nothing beyond orchestrated indoctrination?

7.   In part, the choice reflected an effort by Reno to quiet her Republican critics in Congress.

8.   Mrs. Dreier said the choice reflected a yearning for a community of faith.

9.   Neither choice reflects creditably on the House.

10.   Rather, the choices reflect personal styles and preferences, and cars that left an impression above many others.

n. + reflect >>共 1445
price 3.52%
increase 2.40%
result 2.29%
figure 1.99%
decline 1.53%
number 1.53%
move 1.50%
change 1.35%
comment 1.20%
report 1.15%
choice 0.28%
choice + v. >>共 291
be 62.87%
have 2.42%
include 2.31%
seem 1.87%
come 1.79%
make 1.50%
become 1.10%
range 0.70%
appear 0.62%
reflect 0.62%
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