1.   Bullet casings littered the road.

2.   Bullet casings litter the sun-baked beach and the dirt trails leading into mangled underbrush.

3.   Bullet casings littered the streets filled with hundreds of thousands of homeless civilians.

4.   Inside, shell casings littered the floor and bullet holes pocked the walls.

5.   Police said it was unclear just how many rounds were fired, but the numerous shell casings littered the streets.

6.   Spent gun casings littered the cobblestones, and witnesses said the police fired their rifles into the air and used rifle butts to beat back the crowd.

7.   Bullet casings littered a patch of ground near two saguaros that were shot full of holes and dying.

8.   Bullet casings littered the streets and alleyways, sitting in the midst of shattered glass and shards of rubble.

9.   Bullet casings littered the street.

n. + litter >>共 159
body 6.34%
casing 5.51%
debris 5.23%
glass 4.96%
car 3.86%
corpse 3.03%
shell 3.03%
tank 2.20%
fan 1.93%
cartridge 1.65%
casing + v. >>共 35
litter 26.67%
be 10.67%
lie 10.67%
find 4.00%
come 4.00%
have 2.67%
leave 2.67%
make 2.67%
become 1.33%
believe 1.33%
每页显示:    共 20