1.   A lot of useful knowledge is gained by careful observation of the world around you.

2.   After years of horticultural experience and careful observations, I have compiled a short informational guide on your choices in lawn-mowing equipment.

3.   But careful observation suggests that this is not the case.

4.   Careful observation and recording of events are necessary as a first step towards diagnosing the problem.

5.   Careful observation of how the child manages pieces of solid food can be very informative.

6.   He frequently implies that knowledge is to be had by experience and by careful observation of the world.

7.   In order to answer such causal questions, careful observation of what goes on is simply not sufficient.

8.   New concepts of force and inertia did not come about as a result of careful observation and experiment.

9.   Our delusions are just as likely to be real as our most careful scientific observations.

10.   The improved brain made this possible by careful observation of the animals they pursued.

a. + observation >>共 485
close 3.67%
similar 3.19%
new 2.63%
medical 2.31%
direct 2.23%
personal 2.23%
careful 1.84%
detailed 1.68%
general 1.68%
recent 1.60%
careful + n. >>共 498
consideration 5.71%
attention 4.69%
study 3.17%
analysis 3.00%
scrutiny 2.60%
look 2.43%
note 2.26%
examination 2.20%
preparation 1.92%
watch 1.87%
observation 1.30%
每页显示:    共 23