1.   Enormous capital flowed into these projects in the hope that the network infrastructure would eventually settle into place.

2.   The extent of economic globalisation is illustrated by the recent enormous growth in trade and foreign capital flows.

3.   If the barriers to capital mobility are removed, capital will flow from the UK to obtain the higher rate of return available in Germany.

4.   And capital is again flowing out of gulf nations to safer havens.

5.   But the report concluded that private capital would flow into such projects if governments in developing nations created a more encouraging economic and regulatory environment for entrepreneurs.

6.   Capital flowed into safer investments, and dozens of companies postponed or canceled their initial public offerings, or IPOs.

7.   Capital was flowing in from foreign investors.

8.   Capital flows to emerging market nations may also slow as investors take note of the risks associated with large current account deficits.

9.   Capital flowed across borders, while transportation costs plummeted.

10.   Externally, an increase in global interest rates would raise debt service burdens and slow private capital flows into emerging market economies.

n. + flow >>共 585
money 9.05%
water 7.56%
blood 3.99%
tear 3.67%
river 3.06%
oil 2.51%
traffic 2.41%
capital 1.90%
air 1.86%
power 1.62%
capital + v. >>共 302
be 36.64%
remain 3.98%
have 3.83%
flow 3.08%
come 2.33%
spend 2.33%
continue 1.58%
seem 1.28%
see 1.20%
fall 1.20%
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