1.   The main sifting technique employed is called a self-organising map.

2.   This technique is called contrast stretching.

3.   The basic technique is called run length coding and works by replacing a long run of unchanging data by the shortest possible code.

4.   They can be defined arbitrarily for the study, for example, by imposing a grid on a map, in which case the technique is called area sampling.

5.   A third technique is called saignee, or bleeding.

6.   By spreading your investment over more than three years, a technique called dollar cost averaging, you will gain some protection against a short-term market downturn.

7.   Combinatorial chemistry, as the technique is called, has been used by industrial chemists only for the last five years.

8.   He called the technique Arfe, combining the Spanish words for art and coffee.

9.   In the Senate, this technique is called extended debate or filibustering.

10.   Rosen is part of a small cadre of architects who create three-dimensional models of cities on computer screens, a technique called urban simulation.

v. + technique >>共 397
use 29.08%
develop 7.16%
learn 2.76%
apply 2.45%
improve 2.31%
have 1.86%
demonstrate 1.81%
teach 1.77%
test 1.63%
perfect 1.40%
call 0.82%
call + n. >>共 1109
police 8.44%
election 5.67%
meeting 2.92%
attention 2.52%
witness 2.38%
strike 2.09%
timeout 1.65%
name 1.57%
play 1.34%
company 1.30%
technique 0.11%
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