1.   Our range of programmes come into three broad categories.

2.   Private pension schemes fall into two broad categories.

3.   Successful business strategies fall into three broad categories.

4.   For discussion purposes, we can divide these payments into three broad categories.

5.   Within the broad categories of usage above, the applications broke down into a wide range of tasks.

6.   They tend to fall within a broad category of exploitation, a genre characterised by a simplistic ethos of violent action.

7.   Within these broad categories further subdivisions are common.

8.   Our range of programmes comprise three broad categories, although these are interrelated, and there is considerable flexibility.

9.   The various grades of HCIMA membership fall into two broad categories.

10.   The second broad category of general unemployment is labelled Keynesian.

a. + category >>共 703
new 5.98%
same 4.97%
different 4.06%
major 3.65%
broad 3.51%
second 2.81%
latter 2.64%
the 2.60%
separate 2.03%
statistical 1.55%
broad + n. >>共 1189
range 6.21%
support 5.71%
market 3.94%
daylight 2.58%
power 2.54%
outline 2.27%
agreement 1.94%
smile 1.67%
spectrum 1.54%
coalition 1.49%
category 1.24%
每页显示:    共 103