1.   Bezos says that he is sorry about the resignations of Jenson and Risher, but that he has the bench strength to ensure that their successions are smooth.

2.   But the early renewals of weak shows suggest that the network has little, if any, bench strength.

3.   CBS, which once led the field in ratings, bench strength and journalistic impact, trails ABC and NBC by more than a full ratings point.

4.   Good bench strength in Antonio Davis and Ricky Pierce.

5.   He has rarely stepped foot in public since taking over from Tim Koogle, who resigned, citing the need for more bench strength at the firm.

6.   He has been able to find the right combinations of players and has made good use of his bench strength.

7.   In other words, one-on-one grooming needs to give way to deeper bench strength.

8.   It also highlights how little bench strength Japan has to draw from when its leadership is in crisis.

9.   Like the New England Patriots, the middleweight division showed Saturdaynight it has no bench strength.

10.   Pitching depth and bench strength are what make this team smarter than your average Berra Yankee champion.

n. + strength >>共 237
arm 18.02%
troop 8.25%
muscle 4.34%
hurricane 4.23%
dollar 3.91%
body 3.04%
upper-body 3.04%
leg 2.93%
yen 2.39%
team 1.95%
bench 1.74%
bench + n. >>共 124
coach 31.65%
seat 13.70%
player 11.81%
area 2.83%
strength 2.52%
boss 2.05%
conference 1.73%
trial 1.42%
role 1.26%
mark 1.10%
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