1.   Two days after I returned, of official notification came that I was missing, believed killed in action.

2.   And he shot down one British pilot, believed killed as his plane plunged into the North Sea off of Norway.

3.   Rachel and her family were believed killed when their ship bound for Istanbul exploded.

4.   Police said Joel Castillo is suspected of having been involved in the deaths of at least eight people believed killed by the Alex Boncayao Brigade.

5.   A firefight ensued and two of the assailants were shot and believed killed before the Australians were extracted by an American Chinook helicopter.

6.   All aboard are believed killed in the crash, said Gen. Carlos Puga of the Ecuadoran air force.

7.   All aboard were believed killed.

8.   All seven people on board were believed killed.

9.   All aboard the two planes were believed killed.

10.   All aboard were believed killed in the crash, said Gen. Carlos Puga of the Ecuadoran air force.

v. + killed >>共 6
believe 78.85%
presume 13.46%
assume 1.92%
consider 1.92%
know 1.92%
think 1.92%
believe + a. >>共 285
responsible 13.26%
dead 6.59%
linked 4.23%
trapped 4.05%
killed 3.86%
capable 3.86%
missing 3.20%
buried 2.54%
held 2.45%
at_large 1.79%
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