1.   America Online Inc., Netscape, and Spyglass, maker of the popular Enhanced Mosaic browsing software, also back the legislation.

2.   And he has backed legislation supported by the gun lobby, or opposed bills that ran counter to its interests, on numerous occasions.

3.   And, his campaign says, he has consistently backed civil rights legislation.

4.   Arne Owens, a spokesman for the Christian Coalition, said his group backs legislation like the covenant marriage bill.

5.   A groundswell of disapproval will register if the ISPs has to decide whether to seek or back legislation to control junk e-mail.

6.   Adding to the gridlock mix in the Senate, is legislation backed by business and opposed by labor that would enable business to name employee contract negotiators.

7.   Albany and county officials will ask their lawmakers to back legislation to save the casino, Dean said.

8.   Bush backs federal legislation that would mirror the patient protections laws in Texas.

9.   Bush has backed legislation allowing Texans to carry concealed weapons.

10.   Bush has indicated he would not consider backing legislation to bar the unregulated campaign contributions known as soft money unless it contained such provisions.

v. + legislation >>共 575
pass 13.30%
introduce 10.92%
approve 5.23%
sign 3.77%
support 3.69%
veto 3.50%
enact 2.69%
draft 2.68%
consider 2.27%
oppose 2.21%
back 0.94%
back + n. >>共 1281
rebel 3.88%
plan 2.87%
proposal 2.23%
idea 2.10%
claim 2.09%
effort 1.75%
bill 1.72%
call 1.62%
candidate 1.59%
government 1.53%
legislation 1.12%
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