1.   The Council is continuing to collect these arrears from individuals and to pursue debtors by all the means available under the legislation.

2.   A narrow view would be that if contributory negligence was not a defence at common law, then it will not be available under the Act.

3.   One of the most criticised areas of current government policy is the early end of the subsidy to renewable energy projects, currently available under the Non-Fossil Fuel Obligation.

4.   Among the options available under French law are suing the banks for acting as shadow directors of the company, and lending to a company that is technically bust.

5.   Another said that it had Aristolochia available under the name Senega and that it was used to heal snake bites.

6.   Anthrax is among the oldest and most readily available germ warfare agents available to under developed nations.

7.   Behre and other lawyers are expecting there will be plenty of new questions from business as law enforcement employs the tools available under the new anti-terrorism law.

8.   About one-third of the timber made available under the salvage rider has been sold.

9.   Carr said the Celtics still have plenty of money available under the cap to spend on free agents or as room to accommodate a player acquired in a trade.

10.   Clinton challenged Congress to rewrite the federal law governing employee benefits to assure that all Americans have the protections being made available under Medicare and Medicaid.

a. + under >>共 792
illegal 6.75%
required 4.34%
possible 2.49%
available 2.29%
impossible 2.29%
legal 1.93%
better 1.33%
cool 1.33%
born 1.29%
hot 1.16%
available + p. >>共 59
for 42.57%
in 15.75%
on 10.54%
at 8.56%
from 7.15%
through 2.68%
by 2.09%
as 1.65%
with 1.22%
about 1.14%
under 0.30%
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