1.   That, the authors conclude, casts doubt on the refuge hypothesis.

2.   The author concludes by suggesting ways in which teachers can use and develop these activities in their own classroom.

3.   The authors conclude that a combination of the last two models offers the best prospect of a full explanation.

4.   The authors conclude that the improving image of the game drew a wider and more respectable public, including more women.

5.   The authors conclude that the risk of respiratory conditions resulting from passive smoking, although small, is not negligible.

6.   The authors concluded that creativity and psychotic symptomatology do indeed reflect equivalent forms of cognitive processing.

7.   The authors concluded that genetic factors play a major role in the etiology of alcoholism in women.

8.   The authors concluded that increased antral gastrin is important in the pathogenesis of an increased maximal acid output in smokers with a duodenal ulcer.

n. + conclude >>共 613
report 7.70%
study 5.83%
investigator 4.08%
official 3.13%
investigation 2.92%
researcher 2.51%
commission 2.08%
expert 2.03%
court 1.92%
panel 1.84%
author 0.70%
author + v. >>共 623
be 13.88%
say 9.70%
have 3.05%
write 2.89%
suggest 1.69%
find 1.56%
argue 1.39%
take 1.23%
make 1.20%
use 1.17%
conclude 0.84%
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