1.   Springer says the exhibition area will not include a museum, theater or gift shop.

2.   The Union area includes a main hall, modern lounge bar facilities, a travel office, shop and cafeteria and disco-bar.

3.   Their area of expertise includes complementary products such as pension plans and insurance policies.

4.   Other priority areas included research, environment, justice and culture.

5.   Other areas of work include liaison with other education and professional bodies, such as CGLI and NCVQ and design of the NVQ framework with the lead body.

6.   Other areas include Licentiate assessments, and office management and organisation.

7.   Other areas of work include the keeping of records and acting as secretary to the Course Approvals Panel.

8.   Vulnerable areas include the coastal stretch from Great Yarmouth northwards.

9.   The most seriously affected areas include the north-east of Mato Grosso state, south-east Para, southern Maranhao, Rondonia and the Tocantins.

10.   Worst hit areas include the Lake District, the Pennines, the far south-west, and high ground in southern England.

n. + include >>共 1161
package 1.87%
group 1.67%
list 1.51%
plan 1.49%
measure 1.18%
figure 1.13%
speaker 1.10%
symptom 1.06%
coverage 0.91%
dead 0.87%
area 0.50%
area + v. >>共 631
be 47.53%
have 6.99%
include 3.44%
remain 2.83%
become 2.20%
see 0.94%
come 0.92%
offer 0.78%
suffer 0.74%
need 0.74%
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