1.   Broadening American policy also could appease Arab concerns that the U.S. knows only gunboat diplomacy when it comes to the gulf.

2.   But the implication that the Holy See is delaying the beatification of Pius XII to appease Jewish concerns is resented by many Vatican officials.

3.   By basing the company in France, executives hope to appease any concerns the French government could raise.

4.   Gorton will make a final effort to appease those concerns by flying Friday to Taiwan.

5.   It also sold nine tissue plants that made commercial products for hotels, hospitals and other businesses to appease antitrust concerns in the Fort James merger.

6.   Republican lawmakers said Democrats did nothing to appease their concerns about the test.

7.   Everybody hopes the budget can appease all concerns, and therefore restore public confidence in the government and economy.

8.   Ha said the government here is doing little to appease safety concerns.

9.   In order to appease concerns, EU ministers will conduct further discussions on the sensitive issues such as the possible integration of civilian flights and military airspace.

10.   Since then, Coke has toned down its offer to appease those concerns.

v. + concern >>共 357
express 28.84%
raise 12.57%
voice 5.84%
have 4.55%
cite 3.40%
address 3.24%
ease 3.21%
cause 2.32%
allay 1.46%
dismiss 1.36%
appease 0.08%
appease + n. >>共 186
critic 5.79%
protester 3.10%
concern 2.89%
group 2.89%
spirit 2.69%
public 2.69%
regulator 2.48%
hard-liner 2.27%
shareholder 1.86%
anger 1.86%
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