1.   Critically discuss the apparent inability of academics to arrive at a universal set of determinant factors for the APT.

2.   Not surprisingly influential Americans again showed impatience at the apparent inability of Britain to recover from the war.

3.   Beyond the apparent inability to detect any pattern, a question of willful negligence has been raised.

4.   But given their apparent inability to do so, the United States must step in more actively to shepherd the peace.

5.   For the president, who seems determined to be his own secretary of State, this apparent inability to define U.S. interests abroad is undermining his prestige at home.

6.   It also would have brought the already weakened Barak government under further attack for an apparent inability to rout out terror cells in collaboration with the Palestinians.

7.   The accusations against Dr. Imanishi-Kari arose at a time when Congress had become impatient with the apparent inability of universities to handle cases of scientific fraud.

8.   The apparent inability or unwillingness of the prosecutor to achieve anything near what he charged follows other setbacks for independent prosecutors.

9.   They are particularly offended by the apparent inability of local governments to band together to resist the demands of sports franchises that successfully pit various communities against one another.

10.   Many viewers also condemned the Government Information Office, which supervises the news media, for its apparent inability to control the situation.

a. + inability >>共 93
apparent 12.18%
seeming 7.05%
chronic 3.21%
complete 2.56%
occasional 2.56%
appalling 1.92%
continuing 1.92%
same 1.92%
temporary 1.92%
total 1.92%
apparent + n. >>共 1490
attempt 4.25%
reason 3.49%
suicide 2.52%
effort 2.50%
lack 1.70%
bid 1.39%
retaliation 1.37%
reference 1.28%
attack 1.13%
success 1.11%
inability 0.33%
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