1.   But it should be noted that the situations that occur with what seems to be alarming regularity are not new.

2.   Candidates launched digital missiles of opprobrium at each other with alarming regularity.

3.   Computers freeze up and crash with alarming regularity.

4.   During his tenure, executives came and went through the revolving doors of the imposing Times Mirror building with alarming regularity.

5.   Even children, who a generation ago were virtually unaffected, are being diagnosed with diabetes with alarming regularity.

6.   I spent the entire drive to Houston ducking, as lovebug couples died with alarming regularity, smacking up against the windshield like raindrops.

7.   In movie theaters during this season of supermega cinema, comets and asteroids are heading toward our innocent planet with alarming regularity.

8.   In their fourth season, the Marlins are an evolving disaster, losing their modest fan base with alarming regularity.

9.   Local reports suggest there have been mishaps with alarming regularity.

10.   RCA, his record label, continues to issue albums, soundtracks, box sets and anthologies with alarming regularity.

a. + regularity >>共 102
alarming 11.73%
increasing 7.14%
monotonous 6.12%
great 4.59%
numbing 2.55%
rhythmic 2.55%
increased 2.04%
amazing 1.53%
metronomic 1.53%
frightening 1.53%
alarming + n. >>共 275
rate 17.83%
number 5.08%
trend 3.72%
increase 3.72%
level 3.61%
rise 3.16%
regularity 2.60%
frequency 2.48%
report 2.37%
proportion 2.03%
每页显示:    共 23