1.   He was not a chemist but adopted innovatory methods and used commercial skill to promote his products.

2.   My Decision to adopt this method is not an arbitrary one.

3.   Only two judges have been turned out of office since Wyoming adopted this method of judicial selection nearly twenty years ago.

4.   Whatever method you adopt, the following principles are equally valid and need to be taken into account.

5.   Without the advantage of mobile clearinghouse personnel, the majority of clearinghouses have no option but to adopt this method.

6.   He explicitly rejected attempting to solve socialist problems by adopting capitalist methods, but did suggest that his government was interested in improving relations with capitalist countries.

7.   DBMS are therefore expected to support multiple linked lists if they adopt the list processing method of file organisation.

v. + method >>共 368
use 28.50%
develop 5.15%
change 2.42%
try 2.16%
apply 1.98%
have 1.85%
devise 1.76%
adopt 1.76%
account 1.72%
describe 1.23%
adopt + n. >>共 790
resolution 6.22%
child 5.58%
policy 5.10%
measure 4.35%
law 3.87%
rule 3.05%
euro 2.72%
plan 2.48%
legislation 1.98%
standard 1.84%
method 0.66%
每页显示:    共 40