1.   Actual performance is recorded and the information fed back to the managers responsible for achieving the target performance.

2.   To complete the process actual performance must be compared budgeted performance, any variations understood and action taken to bring the two into line.

3.   The preparation of a budget provides a measure against which actual performance can be monitored.

4.   A contractor could use the actual performance when not working under claim conditions to establish what should have been foreseeable.

5.   Budgets in such cases will act as a benchmark that can be compared with actual performance of managers and operatives.

6.   Gonna use an actual performance.

7.   You can, you can actually compare your actual performance on your short-term with your planned performance from your long- term.

8.   And that uptightness is most alarming, and potentially harmful, when it seeps, as it often does, into the actual performance.

9.   Banks will be evaluated on actual performance, including loans made, services provided and investments in the communities they serve.

10.   Because in reality the new chips will run at higher clock speeds, the actual performance boost will be larger.

a. + performance >>共 953
poor 5.30%
strong 4.68%
good 2.42%
best 2.41%
economic 1.98%
live 1.67%
financial 1.60%
impressive 1.36%
better 1.36%
recent 1.30%
actual 0.29%
actual + n. >>共 1867
number 3.74%
cost 1.84%
figure 1.29%
vote 1.23%
amount 1.08%
event 1.02%
harm 0.88%
work 0.81%
sale 0.74%
fact 0.73%
performance 0.58%
每页显示:    共 38