1.   His later published account describes bad food, hard work over a fourteen-hour day, beatings and injury from unguarded machinery.

2.   An Associated Press account described emotional scenes as the writer met her family, with Ms. Nasrin weeping as she hugged her mother.

3.   An initial account also described the men as part of a party of four reservists, while a subsequent one said the men were traveling by themselves.

4.   All the accounts describe soldiers demanding money and burning numerous houses.

5.   Contemporary accounts describe corpses as slate-blue from lack of oxygen and hemorrhage into the skin.

6.   Cruz Leon was clearly something less than the hardened military veteran that Cuban officials suggested and that many news accounts have described.

7.   Early accounts describe picketing and taunts from local residents.

8.   Early accounts generally described it as a manufacturer of fiber-optic networking gear.

9.   In the week since the attack, more detailed accounts have described much greater damage to the destroyer than earlier Navy reports suggested.

10.   Local press accounts described the protest as the largest demonstration calling for the resignation of Milosevic since the end of the war in Kosovo.

n. + describe >>共 1000
official 9.07%
police 3.36%
witness 3.30%
report 3.11%
friend 1.91%
neighbor 1.72%
authority 1.44%
people 1.39%
prosecutor 1.31%
doctor 1.27%
account 0.41%
account + v. >>共 338
be 33.51%
say 6.39%
have 2.50%
differ 2.34%
suggest 2.29%
include 1.97%
make 1.60%
appear 1.39%
describe 1.17%
become 1.17%
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