1.   Archbishop Patrick Flores and other Texas bishops say they strongly favor a binding zero-tolerance policy to remove Roman Catholic priests who sexually abuse minors.

2.   Attorney General Thomas F. Reilly Tuesday said his office has not ruled out bringing criminal charges against the supervisors of priests who sexually abused minors.

3.   Bishop Gregory opened the conference by telling fellow bishops that they had not done enough to prevent priests from sexually abusing minors.

4.   Both have been badly eroded by revelations over the last six months that many bishops permitted the continuing ministry of priests with a record of sexually abusing minors.

5.   But many bishops, including some prominent cardinals, have suggested a tougher policy, calling for defrocking any priest who ever abused a minor.

6.   Cardinal Roger Mahony has turned over relevant information on priests accused of sexually abusing minors to Los Angeles detectives, LAPD officials said Thursday.

7.   Expressing deep sorrow and contrition, a committee of Roman Catholic bishops said on Tuesday that from now on any priest who sexually abuses a minor should be defrocked.

8.   No priest who abuses a minor should get a second chance, Flores and the bishops of Corpus Christi, Austin and San Angelo said Thursday.

9.   Of those, three were found to have abused minors, one was recently removed by the archdiocese and one was cleared of wrongdoing.

10.   Rohrbacher, like the other victims, demanded that the bishops adopt a policy removing from the priesthood any priest who ever abused a minor.

v. + minor >>共 129
abuse 11.99%
involve 6.54%
protect 4.63%
include 3.81%
prevent 3.54%
molest 2.45%
keep 1.91%
transport 1.91%
use 1.63%
target 1.63%
abuse + n. >>共 326
child 13.33%
power 11.64%
position 4.75%
authority 3.61%
drug 3.55%
boy 2.57%
system 2.46%
woman 2.40%
minor 2.40%
privilege 2.13%
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