1.   Apart from the court-ordered depositions, Daily has not answered questions about how he handles sexual abuse claims.

2.   Berman argued that the abuse claims were an obvious hoax, noting that they lacked corroboration from anyone but Monfared and surfaced only as Panah faced the death penalty.

3.   A hearing was scheduled for this morning to determine whether to proceed with six child abuse claims dismissed Wednesday on a technicality.

4.   Conn told jurors there is no evidence to support abuse claims.

5.   George has made it clear that his decision is not motivated primarily by the prospect of future sex abuse claims.

6.   He also said the SJC ruling will not stop DSS from investigating abuse claims linked to corporal punishment.

7.   In contrast, confidentiality provisions are common in civil settlements and were apparently standard in scores if not hundreds of settlements of abuse claims against priests around the country.

8.   Meanwhile, Smith and others working with the archdiocese said shrinking church revenues could also affect the ability of the archdiocese to settle sexual abuse claims and lawsuits.

9.   Other dioceses around the country have kept secret the cost of settling sexual abuse claims.

10.   Prosecutors say the brothers made up the sexual abuse claims so as to put their parents on trial.

n. + claim >>共 835
government 4.88%
compensation 3.24%
unemployment 3.22%
land 3.19%
rebel 3.14%
damage 2.49%
opposition 2.44%
health 2.14%
defense 2.09%
asylum 1.69%
abuse 0.80%
abuse + n. >>共 179
case 19.96%
scandal 11.27%
allegation 9.05%
charge 8.61%
victim 7.81%
complaint 2.93%
claim 2.66%
problem 2.31%
policy 2.04%
program 1.69%
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