1.   Drunken soldiers, long unpaid, attacked and pillaged Zairian towns, rather than beating a tactical retreat or digging into defensive positions.

2.   Throughout this drive, Zairian towns have not so much fallen to the rebels as embraced them in relief after the wild shooting sprees and looting by government forces.

3.   Fighting resumed at dawn Thursday in Goma, the Zairian town bordering on Rwanda, and shelling prevented the distribution of food.

4.   Fighting resumed at dawn Thursday in Goma, the Zairian town bordering Rwanda, and shelling prevented the distribution of food.

5.   Rebels pressed their westward offensive Tuesday, scattering thousands of Rwandan refugees and announcing the capture of another important Zairian town.

6.   She said three aircraft dropped four bombs over the eastern Zairian town.

7.   Small amounts of emergency food and medicine trickled into this eastern Zairian town Monday after a long delay at the Zaire-Rwanda border.

8.   The government said it resumed airstrikes on the rebel-held city of Bukavu, but aid workers in the eastern Zairian town dismissed the report.

9.   The rebels continued their westward offensive Tuesday and announced the capture of another important Zairian town.

10.   The troops would secure airfields in the eastern Zairian towns of Goma and Bukavu and establish land corridors to bring in food and medicine.

a. + town >>共 667
small 13.85%
northern 3.86%
palestinian 3.66%
southern 3.15%
home 2.44%
nearby 1.94%
main 1.83%
major 1.73%
little 1.66%
coastal 1.57%
zairian 0.11%
zairian + n. >>共 154
rebel 15.18%
government 11.70%
troop 10.21%
soldier 9.65%
army 8.23%
official 3.69%
capital 2.84%
dictator 2.77%
authority 2.70%
leader 1.84%
town 1.13%
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