1.   But with the collapse of communism, the administration has stopped supporting the Zairian leader.

2.   By helping knock out the Zairian leader, diplomats say the Angolan government is both seeking to secure the enclave and maximize its leverage over Kabila in the future.

3.   Ousted Zairian leader treated for heavy bleeding.

4.   A spokesman for Mobutu said the Zairian leader would return to Zaire after his stay in France, radio France Info reported in Paris.

5.   A spokesman for Mobutu said last week that the former Zairian leader and his entourage planned to stay in Tangier for the summer to rest.

6.   African foreign ministers arrived in Kinshasa for talks with Zairian leaders.

7.   APTV is watching for new pictures of the Zairian leader.

8.   Back home, however, Zairian leaders say they will wait for the final Security Council plan before accepting such a force.

9.   Diplomatic sources said the Zairian leader had to be roused from bed, and that talks between the three lasted an hour before Mandela flew back to South Africa.

10.   France suggested Friday that embattled Zairian leader Mobutu Sese Seko meet with rebel leader Laurent Kabila, who has given him an ultimatum to resign or face military defeat.

a. + leader >>共 507
palestinian 8.27%
party 3.98%
political 3.64%
republican 3.27%
the 3.06%
union 2.96%
congressional 2.28%
religious 1.95%
military 1.80%
former 1.76%
zairian 0.03%
zairian + n. >>共 154
rebel 15.18%
government 11.70%
troop 10.21%
soldier 9.65%
army 8.23%
official 3.69%
capital 2.84%
dictator 2.77%
authority 2.70%
leader 1.84%
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