1.   Rush and others said early intervention to keep kids out of gangs is just as important as locking up youthful offenders.

2.   Both the Brazill and Tate cases have prompted debate about trying of youthful offenders as adults, with critics demanding that Florida re-evaluate its juvenile-justice laws.

3.   Bobek secretly entered a youthful offender program last month, and, four days ago, the charge of unlawfully entering the home of a fellow skater was dropped.

4.   A prank gone wrong lands the four of them in an institution for youthful offenders that the book calls the Wilkinson Home for Boys.

5.   A year later, the mayor appointed him an associate justice of the Court of Special Sessions, which handled misdemeanors and thousands of youthful offenders.

6.   But few states are making equally strong efforts to keep youthful offenders from returning to prison once they are released.

7.   But under the terms of the plea agreement in State Supreme Court in Manhattan before Justice Daniel FitzGerald, Iler was granted youthful offender status and the lighter sentence.

8.   Dan Macallair, associate director of the San Francisco-based Center on Juvenile and Criminal Justice, said he generally supports keeping criminal records of youthful offenders confidential.

9.   Dixon said he copes with boredom by indulging in his favorite pastime, pushing the buttons on a PlayStation the prison uses as an incentive for its youthful offenders.

10.   Even the people who study youthful offenders seem uncertain of all the implications of these changes.

a. + offender >>共 215
repeat 15.15%
young 9.61%
juvenile 9.29%
worst 5.86%
violent 5.47%
sexual 3.63%
nonviolent 3.56%
youthful 3.25%
convicted 2.04%
persistent 1.91%
youthful + n. >>共 580
offender 4.32%
exuberance 3.81%
energy 2.54%
enthusiasm 2.29%
indiscretion 2.20%
look 1.69%
audience 1.44%
face 1.35%
appearance 1.27%
vigor 1.19%
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