1.   At present their sound has more to do with youthful enthusiasm than finesse.

2.   For most purposes a rectangular distribution is the most desirable because it provides the appropriate mix of youthful enthusiasm and ageing experience.

3.   From time to time the main Party had to intervene to help out the youngsters or to curb their youthful enthusiasms.

4.   She had to the last a youthful enthusiasm, an erect carriage, and a firm step.

5.   She still manages to bring a youthful enthusiasm and energy to her work.

6.   The outdated expression, plus his look of youthful enthusiasm, reminded Cassie briefly of stories she had read as a child.

7.   ...youthful enthusiasm and high spirits.

8.   A younger, more graceful Norman Blake, Edwards, fuelled on nothing more potent than youthful enthusiasm, powers his way through the set.

9.   With youthful enthusiasm, he initially travelled extensively in Europe forging life-long contacts and friends in the wine trade.

10.   And if the film is rife with gratuitous feel-goodishness, at least some of that can be shrugged off to youthful enthusiasm.

a. + enthusiasm >>共 419
great 6.00%
same 4.21%
public 3.14%
renewed 3.05%
initial 2.42%
youthful 2.42%
new 2.33%
unbridled 2.15%
infectious 1.52%
real 1.43%
youthful + n. >>共 580
offender 4.32%
exuberance 3.81%
energy 2.54%
enthusiasm 2.29%
indiscretion 2.20%
look 1.69%
audience 1.44%
face 1.35%
appearance 1.27%
vigor 1.19%
每页显示:    共 27