1.   Count the number of empty slot in your address book and see what proportion this is of the total available.

2.   And as you address an outgoing e-mail message, green icons in your address book identify anyone who is online.

3.   And if your address book is currently on paper, entering it into electronic form may be an unproductive waste of time.

4.   Besides, the latest viruses pull e-mail addresses from places other than your address book.

5.   All the Rex will do is store your address book, appointments, and other such housekeeping data.

6.   But other readers wrote that spammers can steal your address book and send out spam e-mail to your friends, relatives and colleagues from your computer.

7.   Entourage also has a feature that tracks the e-mails you send to people in your address book.

8.   For example, you can drag an e-mail address from a message into your address book.

9.   First, do not use ink when you put their addresses in your address book.

10.   Forward this to everyone in your address book.

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