1.   By the early nineties a significant proportion of young radicals had adopted Marxist ideas.

2.   Lots of young radicals see Orwell as part of the cold-war anti-Communist gang.

3.   This was particularly the case on college campuses, where the young radicals of the New Left dominated public debate.

4.   He worked closely as well with young radicals like Stephen Marglin, Samuel Bowles, and Herbert Gintes.

5.   In London, he attended events at the Fourth Feathers Centre, where a controversial Islamic cleric, Abu Qatada, often spoke to young radicals.

6.   Later the Impressionists claimed him as one of their inspirations, although he mostly regarded them with the mistrust of an old conservative for young radicals.

7.   Recent years have seen an increase in the numbers of violent showdowns between young Indian radicals and police.

8.   You mean Kathleen Cleaver, the young radical, had time for that sort of thing when her children were young?

9.   But young radicals in their black turbans or colorful skullcaps leave no doubt about their feelings.

10.   Many believe it was established by young Muslim radicals who became disaffected with the older generation of Muslim guerrillas whose insurrection failed after years of battle.

a. + radical >>共 170
islamic 32.17%
muslim 10.91%
palestinian 7.31%
suspected 4.14%
leftist 2.51%
hindu 2.40%
jewish 2.18%
moslem 1.96%
young 1.96%
tempered 1.53%
young + n. >>共 614
man 15.52%
people 11.79%
woman 9.81%
child 5.52%
girl 3.06%
player 2.92%
boy 2.23%
adult 1.20%
son 1.19%
couple 1.14%
radical 0.04%
每页显示:    共 18